What is Article Marketing? | Internet Marketing Bible (Chapter 1: Internet Marketing For Beginners ) | Internet Marketing Mastermind | A Powerful Guide on a High Money-Making Online

 What is Article Marketing? 


What is Article Marketing? | Internet Marketing Bible (Chapter 1: Internet Marketing For Beginners ) | Internet Marketing Mastermind | A Powerful Guide on a High Money-Making Online
Article Marketing

The simple definition of article marketing is writing and submitting articles on online directories with a view to bring in targeted traffic

These articles have a bio box below them, where the author can write a short description about themselves and their businesses and even hive the link, which can bring in the targeted traffic to your website. 

 The articles that are submitted are search engine optimized with keywords. 

Authors of submission articles use keywords from tools such as WordTracker (http://www.wordtracker.com/) or Google Suggest (http://suggest.google.com/) in order to find keywords that people are popularly searching and incorporate them in their articles. 

Because of these keywords, the articles have a better chance of showing up on the search engine results when someone searches with that keyword. This is how you get your traffic through them. 

 Now, why will anyone search with that keyword? The simple answer is – because they want some information on that topic. And hence, there is a great possibility that they will view the article. 

Now, if they like that article, they will want to read more to get more information. This is when they will click on the website link. 

Since these people already have an interest in the topic, there is high possibility that they will help in the conversion. 

 Using Articles to Bring in Hot Traffic 

 It is not wrong to say that you already have it made when you are into article submissions. 

You can be sure that people who like your articles will visit your website and will be very likely to do business with you too. But, you should know where to put these articles up. 

 What we are talking about here are the directories. These are the places where you submit your articles. 

There are many free article submission directories on the Internet which take articles on a wide range of subjects. 

The directories follow their own tricks for search engine optimization too, which will be over and above the keyword optimization you use. 

 The following is a list of article submission directories that you should know:- 

Ezine Articles (http://www.ezinearticles.com/) – one of the most popular article marketing directories, though its rules of submission are very strict. 

iSnare (http://www.isnare.com/) 

Go Articles (http://www.goarticles.com/) 

Article Alley (http://www.articlealley.com/) 

Article City (http://www.articlecity.com/) 

 In addition, there are various places where you can submit articles and make money apart from promoting your business. The following are some such places. 

Just note that you will have to go through an approval process before you become a writer on these websites because you are likely getting paid for whatever you submit here. 

eHow (http://www.eHow.com/) 

About.com (http://www.about.com/) 

Bukisa.com (http://www.bukisa.com/) 

Xomba.com (http://xomba.com/) 

FireHow.com (http://www.firehow.com/) 

 If you have several articles up on these places, you can be sure that you get a steady flow of visitors on your site. 

But, make sure that the articles you submit are of good quality, language-wise as well as according to the information that they contain. 


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