Internet Marketing and Social Networking | Internet Marketing Bible (Chapter 1: Internet Marketing For Beginners ) | Internet Marketing Mastermind | A Powerful Guide on a High Money

Internet Marketing and Social Networking 


Internet Marketing and Social Networking | Internet Marketing Bible (Chapter 1: Internet Marketing For Beginners ) | Internet Marketing Mastermind | A Powerful Guide on a High Money
Internet Marketing and Social Networking

Social networking has become a very important aspect of Internet marketing today. We are living in the world of Web 2.0. 

This is the age when people are using the Internet not just for information but also for interaction. They are trying to connect with other people to understand concepts, to get information, to read reviews on products and such. 

 Social networking simply means communicating and interacting with people over the Internet. Many websites allow people to socially network with each other. 

The following are some names:- 

Facebook ( 

MySpace ( 

Hi5 ( 

Twitter ( 


There are many aspects to this:- 

Viral Marketing 

This happens when someone likes a product and recommends it to others. Remember when a friend ate at a restaurant, liked it and recommended it to you? This is viral marketing. 

This is the best form of marketing if you have a product, because you are making sure that people are speaking about your product and recommending it to their friends and family. 

This increases their chances of buying the product. Viral marketing is done on social networking sites, especially in groups built around special topics. 

It is quite a different thing to start out with something, and quite a different thing to be consistently pushing it forward. The same applies to Internet marketing. 

You can start it out, but in order to convert into a complete home business, there are some more things that you need to do. 

Streamlining the processes is an important part of the game. For that, you will need to get in touch with people – actually hire them – in order to do various tasks for you. 

A point will come when you will be mostly holding a managerial position while your group of hired professionals will accomplish the various tasks that you have assigned them. 

In most likelihood, you will need a writer to write content for your various needs – articles, eBooks, press releases, sales pages, reports – an editor to take a look at them, a web designer to maintain your website, etc. 

You might also need a virtual manager to look after all these people. 

Remember that you shouldn’t confine yourself to doing all the tasks yourself. 

Even if you think nobody can do things as well as you do, you need to keep looking for people because if you don’t, your growth is going to be stunted. 

There is a limit to what you can attain. 

 There are various jobsites on the Internet from where you can hire these people. 

The following is a list of these jobsites. 

Get A Freelancer ( 

EUFreelance ( 

People Per Hour ( 

ScriptLance ( 

eLance ( 

You can hire all the professionals you need for your Internet marketing needs through these job portals through a bidding system. 

However, you must remember that the cheapest bid is not the best bid. Take a look at their samples of past work and at the reviews they have received on the site. 

When you have a handful of diligent and driven people, you could begin working outside of the portal and handing them their jobs directly. 

This helps you save marketplace fees and enables you to forge strong collaborations with these people. 

When you are looking at taking this up as a fulltime job, you will need talented people to assist you in everything that you do. 


Pros and Cons of Internet Marketing 

The Pros 

The biggest advantage is that this is the best way to start a business of your own. 

To set up a physical business, you need capital. On the Internet, you don’t need much capital at all. 

You could set up a business for free and then keep it running through rolling what you earn. 

Even if you cherish a dream of having a big building sometime in the future, by working online you could earn enough money to make that happen. Yes, the online world could enrich your offline world. 

 We also need to consider that this is extremely simple to do. Anyone can get into Internet marketing – housewives, teenagers, retired persons, invalids, people who don’t have a home of their own, people who don’t have social security and even able-bodied working men and women who want to make extra income. 

The trend is shifting toward the Internet anyway. 

People have become very much apprehensive about their offline jobs due to the recession and there has suddenly been a spurt in the number of people joining the Internet fray. 

 You must even consider the tax deductible factor. 

When you use a portion of your home for your home business that becomes a part of your deductibles. 

The same applies to the computer that you use. 

 The convenience is par excellence. You don’t have to travel anywhere. You can work in your boxers; you don’t have to physically impress the people you are dealing with. 

Some people feel that they are freer when they are chatting online than they are when they are speaking face-to-face. 

Also, if you have any leadership desires, the Internet is the best place where you can do that, especially through social networking groups. 

 And we cannot undermine the money factor. There is no limit to what you can earn working online. 

Even when you start out, it is highly possible to make $500 to $1,000 a month. Six months down the line, you should earn a few thousands per month. 

Two years later, your income must be in tens of thousands per month. 

And all this happens even if you don’t keep putting consistent efforts. 

The concept of residual income is highly significant here if you have taken care of that from the start. 


The Cons 

 Some people say that Internet marketing is a hermit’s job because these people don’t mingle with other people. 

However, that is not true. In fact, these people have so much money that they can easily join clubs, participate in their church activities, go on vacations with their families, etc.

 People with regular desk jobs cannot afford these luxuries, actually. 

 But one thing that blots the Internet marketing world is the scam operators that exist here. 

Yes, there are scammers. A few of them are giving everyone a bad name. You have to be honest; 

you have to make sure that you are dealing with people in the right way. 

Though there is always a bit of skepticism connected with any online dealing, if you are honest, you will make it through. 

Some Useful Terms in Internet Marketing 

 You have now all the ingredients you would need for starting your Internet marketing venture. But to go ahead, you will need more knowledge, more information. 

This is the reason why you should keep downloading material such as this and keep improving your knowledge bank. Here we shall discuss a few terms that you will need to take your business further ahead, something like a teaser for a sequel that follows the end of a Hollywood horror flick. 

 Email Marketing 

 This is the process of promoting your business through sending emails. However, you cannot just randomly send emails or you shall get a reputation of a spammer. 

But, if you have made a list of people who have opted in to what you are providing, then you can easily send emails to them.  

 These emails should not be blatantly promotional; they should contain meaningful stuff and just a subtle hint about your product. 

Email marketing can be done through software, which can send thousands of emails to your list in an automated manner. 

You can think about this when your initial efforts have helped you build a list. 


 You need these applications. When someone opts in to your list or takes a particular action on your website, they must get a quick response thanking them for their action.  

 You cannot monitor all these activities 24/7 and hence you need autoresponders. 

Autoresponders will communicate people through their email ids as soon as they have gone through that particular action. 

For the person who receives the message, this means a lot because it indicates that someone is always taking care of things in the company. 


Feeds are features that you can add on your website to let people know directly whenever you update your website. 

Earlier, website owners used to encourage visitors to bookmark their websites so that they could return to them again. 

But nowadays with the presence of feeds this is not necessary.  


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